Tel: 360-224-2330


Soma Body Therapy is a practice of Soma Structural Integration®. This a form of deep and transformational hands on bodywork.
Soma is in a category of bodywork called Structural Integration. This also holds Rolfing®, KMI® and Hellerwork®. There are about 20 schools worldwide that teach the techniques passed on from Dr. Ida Rolf to her wisdom keepers.
Soma Structural Integration® influences the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, nerves, organs and bones called fascia. The intent is to bring the structure, posture and alignment of the body into greater harmony with gravity. When fascia is unbound with intention, inspiring changes happen!
Our body in its form of creation is sacred geometry. When our soul can not inhabit our body because of alignment, pain, or past emotional traumas, our soul will cry out to fulfill its calling. Soma helps your soul find its line of grace and remember its purpose.
Soma Neuromuscular Integration® is a study of wholism.; a view that the body is more than a collection of its parts. Rather, it is a dynamic and awe-inspiring system of interactions where nothing is isolated or separate.
Soma Body Therapy is based in Sandpoint, ID and Bellingham, WA, and offers the skillful practice of Elizabeth Ruff to walk your path of transformation & healing with you.

The Magic of Soma
The complete Rolf Structural Integration bodywork series session breakdown
Session 1
An amazing session! Be excited to receive this treatment! In this session the tissues surrounding the IT bands, hips, rib cage are freed. The front line of the chest will also be lengthened, resulting in a feeling of lightness and well-being. Posture will be more upright posture and breathing deeper. This can be a stand-alone session.
Session 2
Here, the focus in on the body’s foundation: the lower legs and feet. We will find a sense of firm grounding and presence. Consider: if the body was a house and the structure needed a remodel, one would first assess the foundation to create a safe, healthy, and supported change. Work on the feet and lower legs gives the body a solid foundation to grow from!
Session 3
In this session, the sides of the body will be lengthened and the shoulders will be freed. Breathing expands for greater relaxation and more immediate energy. The low back will be worked deeply through the side of the waist. Often, bodies look slimmer after this session.
Session 4, 5 & 6
The center line, or core, that runs vertically through the body will be adjusted and lengthened. We’ll work with the pelvis under the body to provide ample support so the upper body may extend effortlessly toward the sky. This is achieved by working the adductors, psoas and lateral rotators. After these sessions, walking takes a fraction of the energy typically expended, with improved balance and freedom of movement.

Session 7
This session provides deep work to the neck, throat & cranial fascia. This session includes inter-oral work which provides great relief to tension not only in the face and neck, but in to the pelvic floor as well. This is a fantastic session if you suffer from headaches, clench or grind your teeth.
Sessions 8, 9, 10 +
In sessions 8-10 the whole body is integrated in a new and more efficient manner. Energy and vitality increase as the body's structure becomes more aligned and balanced in gravity. Session 11 is an additional session to the original 10 that releases and integrates the myofascial wrappings of the arms and shoulders. This session was added because, in our society, those who spend considerable time on the computer or drive regularly receive healing benefits.